BCE Dress Code
The dress code is in place in order to limit distraction to the educational process.
- Students are expected to wear clothing with appropriate pictures, graphics, and language.
(Should not be negative, sarcastic, or offensive in nature).
- Students are expected to wear shirts with sleeves on their shoulder
(no tank tops, no spaghetti straps without an over-shirt, or jerseys without a sleeved shirt underneath).
- Students are expected to wear shorts, skorts, dresses, and jumpers that are midthigh in length or longer (Jeans, Khakis, Capris, and other pants are also acceptable).
- Students are expected to wear shoes that are secured in the back by a strap or backing enabling them to safely participate in school activities. (No flip-flops).
- Students are expected to remove caps, hats, and hoods in the building.
- Students are expected to wear jewelry that is safe for students and not a distraction to the education process.
- Students are expected to only wear pajamas on school spirit days when permitted.
A clothing closet will be provided through the FRC so that students with inappropriate clothing can change however, parents will be notified in order to avoid the situation in the future.
Any other issues concerning dress expectations or personal expression that are found to be disruptive to the educational process will be handled and resolved at the discretion of the building principal.